Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Apache mod_rewrite evilness (with dynamic vhosts and .htaccess rewrite rules)

At my new $job, we have a SVN repository for the websites we are maintaining. We devised a workflow to work with it: each developer has one or more branches for himself. The merge of their features is done in the trunk. Once everything seems to work, we merge into the "preproduction" branch and finally in the "production" branch.

On the developement web server, I wanted them to be able access every branch with their web browser. Initially, there was a "" virtual host and each branch was accessible through an URL-path within it. Unfortuntaly, for "historical" reason, the web site doesn't work correctly if set in an URL sub-directory (and we are currently writing a new version of this website, so we actually don't want to spend time fixing it). I am therefore doomed to create a virtual host for each SVN trunk/tag/branch.

Here is the relevant part of the initial configuration I wrote:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAlias *

DocumentRoot /var/empty

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^trunk\.svn\.mywebsite\.com$
RewriteRule $(.*) /home/www-data/svn/project/trunk$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^.]+).branches\.svn\.mywebsite\.com$
RewriteRule $(.*) /home/www-data/svn/project/branches%1$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^.]+).tags\.svn\.mywebsite\.com$
RewriteRule $(.*) /home/www-data/svn/project/tags%1$1 [L]


So far it's easy and it would have worked if there wasn't the following RewriteRule in the .htaccess at the root of the project:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

The problem with this rule is that if we request a "virtual URL" (which does not match a physical file in the hierarchy), index.php is called with the original URL in the query string, which results in an internal redirect within Apache.

I save you from the RewriteLog, but let's say you try:

  • Initially the ${REQUEST_URI} is "/virtual-url". The vhost rewrite rules are applied, which redirect to the filesystem path: /home/www-data/svn/project/trunk/virtual-url.

  • Then we reach the per-directory (.htaccess) rewrite rules which, given the file doesn't exist, redirect to /home/www-data/svn/project/trunk/index.php with the following query string q=virtual-url.

  • Here is the first trap: an internal redirect is done within Apache, which restarts the rewrite rules evaluation from the beginning, with ${REQUEST_URI} set to /home/www-data/svn/project/trunk/index.php, while the ${HTTP_HOST} is still the same. So the directory will be prepended twice if we do not put a safeguard: basically checking that $REQUEST_URI doesn't contain /home/www-data/svn/project/.

  • But the true evilness is here: we cannot rewrite to a full filesystem path in a per-directory rewrite rule. The subsequent internal redirect will invariably think that this is an URL path, that is it will try to serve a page as if you had requested: Because of the safeguard above, the dynamic vhost magic will not apply, and Apache will try to reach this file from the vhost's DocumentRoot and you will get a 404.

    The workaround for this is trick Apache into thinking the content of ${REQUEST_URI} is a full filesystem path if the latter looks like a filesystem path :-). Contrary to the per-directory rewrite rules, the vhost rewrite rules are able to redirect to a full filesystem path. So just match the whole content and redirect to it.

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAlias *

DocumentRoot /var/empty

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^(/home/www-data/svn/project/.*) $1 [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^trunk\.svn\.mywebsite\.com$
RewriteRule $(.*) /home/www-data/svn/project/trunk$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^.]+).branches\.svn\.mywebsite\.com$
RewriteRule $(.*) /home/www-data/svn/project/branches%1$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^.]+).tags\.svn\.mywebsite\.com$
RewriteRule $(.*) /home/www-data/svn/project/tags%1$1 [L]


The first rewrite rule matches a ${REQUEST_URI} containing the a filesystem path. This is not exactly a rewrite, this is just a trick to trigger the mod_rewrite evaluation of the substitution.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Installing full-ZFS server at OVH

OVH is a french web hosting service in France, that provides dedicated servers (and many other things). It is great because they offer an infrastructure which brings you low-cost but yet professional facilities for less than 20 euros a month. They provide Linux, FreeBSD and even Solaris: you can of course ask for your server to be installed with this but the real great thing is the netboot feature that will boot the same OS as the one which is installed on your server.

The FreeBSD installation is UFS based. It is nonetheless possible to migrate in on ZFS with little wizardry. It is best the do this with a fresh installation, but is should be possible to do so as long as you use less than the half of you hard drive. However, you have to move everything into the first physical half of the hard drive (it is easier when the server has just been installed, as you just have to keep the root partition).

The procedure is the following: You move all your data in a (small) transient partition at the end of the disk. Then a ZFS partition is created at the beginning of the disk, and again move your data there. You can then destroy the transient partition and create a physical swap partition in its stead. Indeed, although FreeBSD can use a ZFS vdev as swap, it cannot dump to it. Therefore this procedure creates a real partition for swap.

Your FreeBSD is booted. Go to the OVH manager and in the "Netboot" page and select "rescue-pro". Then reboot you server, wait for a while, you should receive a mail with the root password of your netbooted server.

Once connected on it, create a partition large enough to hold all your data at the end of the hard drive. We will copy them here in order to be able to install the ZFS partition at the beginning of the disk.

rescue-bsd# fdisk /dev/ad0
******* Working on device /dev/ad0 *******

Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 63, size 488397105 (238475 Meg), flag 80 (active)
beg: cyl 1/ head 0/ sector 1;
end: cyl 655/ head 0/ sector 63
The data for partition 2 is:

The data for partition 3 is:

The data for partition 4 is:

rescue-bsd# bsdlabel /dev/ad0s1
# /dev/ad0s1:
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
a: 20971520 0 4.2BSD 4096 16384 64
b: 2097152 20971520 swap
c: 488397105 0 unused 0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit
d: 465328433 23068672 4.2BSD 0 0 0

rescue-bsd# mount /dev/ad0s1a /mnt/
rescue-bsd# df -k /mnt/
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a 10154158 495960 8845866 5% /mnt
rescue-bsd# umount /mnt/

We have a swap partition on /dev/ad0s1b and an empty filesystem on /dev/ad0s1d. The root partition only uses 500 MB. We are going to create a partition at the end of the disk to copy the content of it. Thus this partition must be large enough. But this partition should also large enough to hold the swap partition you want on your system eventually. In this example I want 1 GB of swap.

So let's create a 1 GB partition at the end of the disk. 1 GB is 1024*1024*1024/512 = 2097152 sectors. The disk is 488397105 sectors wide, so the partition would start at 488397105 - 2097152 = 486299953. A good practice is to align the partition to a 4 KB boundary: 486299953 % 4096 = 2353, so we will use 486299953 - 2353 = 486297600 for first sector of the partition. Given the end of the disk is 488397105, the partition size will be 488397105 - 486297600 = 2099505 sectors.

rescue-bsd# bsdlabel /dev/ad0s1 > /tmp/ad0.label
rescue-bsd# vi /tmp/ad0.label

rescue-bsd# cat /tmp/ad0.label
# /dev/ad0s1:
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
a: 20971520 0 4.2BSD 4096 16384 64
b: 2099505 486297600 4.2BSD 4096 16384 64
c: 488397105 0 unused 0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit

rescue-bsd# bsdlabel -R /dev/ad0s1 /tmp/ad0.label
rescue-bsd# newfs /dev/ad0s1b
/dev/ad0s1b: 1025.1MB (2099504 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
using 6 cylinder groups of 183.77MB, 11761 blks, 23552 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
160, 376512, 752864, 1129216, 1505568, 1881920

rescue-bsd# mount /dev/ad0s1b /mnt
rescue-bsd# cd /mnt
rescue-bsd# dump -0af - /dev/ad0s1a | restore -rf -
DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sat Oct 8 10:07:58 2011
DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
DUMP: Dumping /dev/ad0s1a to standard output
DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
DUMP: estimated 499089 tape blocks.
DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
DUMP: finished in 131 seconds, throughput 3816 KBytes/sec
rescue-bsd# cd
rescue-bsd# umount /mnt

Now we can remove the first partition and create a big ZFS partition spanning from the beginning of the disk to the beginning of the second partition we have just created.

rescue-bsd# gpart show ad0s1
=> 0 488397105 ad0s1 BSD (233G)
0 20971520 1 freebsd-ufs (10G)
20971520 465326080 - free - (222G)
486297600 2099505 2 freebsd-ufs (1.0G)

rescue-bsd# gpart delete -i 1 ad0s1
ad0s1a deleted
rescue-bsd# gpart show ad0s1
=> 0 488397105 ad0s1 BSD (233G)
0 486297600 - free - (232G)
486297600 2099505 2 freebsd-ufs (1.0G)

rescue-bsd# gpart add -s 486297600 -t freebsd-zfs ad0s1
ad0s1a added
rescue-bsd# gpart show ad0s1
=> 0 488397105 ad0s1 BSD (233G)
0 486297600 1 freebsd-zfs (232G)
486297600 2099505 2 freebsd-ufs (1.0G)

Now let's create the ZFS pool. But the OVH netboot only provides a read-only root filesystem, so we have to tell zpool(8) to put the cache file into /tmp (this file will be needed to import the pool at boot time). We must also to tell the ZFS layer to temporary mount the pool into /mnt, so it won't try to mount the root of the pool as /.

rescue-bsd# kldload opensolaris
rescue-bsd# kldload zfs
rescue-bsd# zpool create -o cachefile=/tmp/zpool.cache -o altroot=/mnt zroot /dev/ad0s1a
rescue-bsd# zpool export zroot

Install the various bootcodes. The MBR bootcode should already be there anyway. The ZFS bootcode is somewhat strange because it consists actually of two parts that must be written at different places (note that the first dd(1) uses /dev/ad0s1 while the second one uses /dev/ad0s1a):

rescue-bsd# gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot0 ad0
bootcode written to ad0
rescue-bsd# dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ad0s1 count=1 bs=512
rescue-bsd# dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ad0s1b skip=1 seek=1024 bs=512

Then re-import the pool with the same options used during its creation and create the datasets for the base filesystem (I'm using the same layout as described on the FreeBSD wiki):

rescue-bsd# zpool import -o cachefile=/tmp/zpool.cache -o altroot=/mnt zroot
rescue-bsd# zfs set checksum=fletcher4 zroot
rescue-bsd# zfs set mountpoint=none zroot
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o mountpoint=/ zroot/rootfs
rescue-bsd# zpool set bootfs=zroot/rootfs zroot
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=on -o exec=on -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/tmp
rescue-bsd# chmod 1777 /mnt/tmp/
rescue-bsd# zfs create zroot/rootfs/usr
rescue-bsd# zfs create zroot/rootfs/usr/home
rescue-bsd# ln -s /usr/home /mnt/home
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/usr/ports
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=off -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/usr/ports/distfiles
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=off -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/usr/ports/packages
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/usr/src
rescue-bsd# zfs create zroot/rootfs/var
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/crash
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/db
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=on -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/db/pkg
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/empty
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/log
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=gzip -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/mail
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/run
rescue-bsd# zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=on -o setuid=off zroot/rootfs/var/tmp
rescue-bsd# chmod 1777 /mnt/var/tmp

Note that I've activated compression on some datasets as in the FreeBSD wiki, but on a low-end box with little CPU power, I advise to turn it off.

Now let's copy our data to the ZFS partition.

rescue-bsd# mount /dev/ad0s1b /media
rescue-bsd# cd /media
rescue-bsd# find . | cpio -dump /mnt/
rescue-bsd# cd
rescue-bsd# umount /media
rescue-bsd# zfs set readonly=on zroot/rootfs/var/empty

Note that cpio(1) does not handle file flags set by chflags(8). Your system will be able to boot, but some security seatbelt won't be here until you perform an installworld.

Let's create the swap partition instead of the transient UFS filesystem:

rescue-bsd# gpart show ad0s1
=> 0 488397105 ad0s1 BSD (233G)
0 486297600 1 freebsd-zfs (232G)
486297600 2099505 2 freebsd-ufs (1.0G)

rescue-bsd# gpart delete -i 2 ad0s1
ad0s1b deleted
rescue-bsd# gpart add -t freebsd-swap ad0s1
ad0s1b added
rescue-bsd# gpart show ad0s1
=> 0 488397105 ad0s1 BSD (233G)
0 486297600 1 freebsd-zfs (232G)
486297600 2099505 2 freebsd-swap (1.0G)

Now we need to configure the system to be able to boot from ZFS:

rescue-bsd# echo 'zfs_load="YES"' > /mnt/boot/loader.conf
rescue-bsd# echo 'vfs.root.mountfrom="zfs:zroot/rootfs"' >> /mnt/boot/loader.conf
rescue-bsd# cp /tmp/zpool.cache /mnt/boot/zfs/
rescue-bsd# vi /mnt/etc/fstab
rescue-bsd# cat /mnt/etc/fstab
# Device Mountpoint FStype Options Dump Pass#
/dev/ad0s1b none swap sw 0 0
proc /proc procfs rw 0 0

Et voilà! You can reboot your server (don't forget to deactivate netbooting from the OVH web interface).

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Configuring FreeBSD with dual console

This post is short as I intend to use it more as a reminder than a full-fledged article.

As an introduction for the un-educated reader, here is a simple paste of the boot(8) manpage:

By default, a three-stage bootstrap is employed, and control is automati-
cally passed from the boot blocks (bootstrap stages one and two) to a
separate third-stage bootstrap program, loader(8). This third stage pro-
vides more sophisticated control over the booting process than it is pos-
sible to achieve in the boot blocks, which are constrained by occupying
limited fixed space on a given disk or slice.

In summary: boot0 -> boot2 -> loader -> kernel

The first stage (boot0) cannot be configured, as the code as to fit in 512 bytes. It will simply use the default system console (the screen).

However the following things can be configured more or less independently:
- boot2 (stage 2);
- loader(8) (stage 3);
- the kernel;
- login(8).

Configuring boot2

boot2 is configured through /boot.config. This file contains the flags documented in boot(8), as though they were given on the boot2 prompt. Therefore if you want to see boot2 output on both your screen and the serial console, you have to put "-D" in it.

shell# cat /boot.config

Configuring loader(8)

loader(8) is configured through /boot/loader.conf. The console variable can be set either "vidconsole", "comconsole" or "vidconsole,comconsole" to have both "comconsole,vidconsole" works too, we will see the difference later)

shell# grep ^console /boot/loader.conf

Configuring the kernel

/boot/loader.conf also contains variables that will set kenv variables, which will define the kernel behaviour. See this comment in /boot/defaults/loader.conf:

### Kernel settings ########################################

# The following boot_ variables are enabled by setting them to any value.
# Their presence in the kernel environment (see kenv(1)) has the same
# effect as setting the given boot flag (see boot(8)).

#boot_askname="" # -a: Prompt the user for the name of the root device
#boot_cdrom="" # -C: Attempt to mount root file system from CD-ROM
#boot_ddb="" # -d: Instructs the kernel to start in the DDB debugger
#boot_dfltroot="" # -r: Use the statically configured root file system
#boot_gdb="" # -g: Selects gdb-remote mode for the kernel debugger
#boot_multicons="" # -D: Use multiple consoles
#boot_mute="" # -m: Mute the console
#boot_pause="" # -p: Pause after each line during device probing
#boot_serial="" # -h: Use serial console
#boot_single="" # -s: Start system in single-user mode
#boot_verbose="" # -v: Causes extra debugging information to be printed
# Sets the list of init candidates
#init_shell="/bin/sh" # The shell binary used by init(8).
#init_script="" # Initial script to run by init(8) before chrooting.
#init_chroot="" # Directory for init(8) to chroot into.

So basically, the kernel defaults to use the screen only, but you can override this by setting the boot_multicons variable:

shell# grep ^boot_multicons /boot/loader.conf

How the whole stuff works

Actually when you configure one stage, subsequent stages will use the same settings unless configured to do differently. So in the end you just have to configure boot2.

Userland output

Contrary to the other parts, userland boot output can only be sent to one device at time. Even when configured with the above settings, the userland boot output will only appear on screen.

Actually, the kernel will pick the first entry from the console kenv variable to sent userland output to. So if you are not often behind the screen and you prefer to see the userland boot output on the serial console:

shell# grep ^console /boot/loader.conf

Configuring login(8)

Not seeing the userland boot output on one console or the other doesn't mean it is unusable. FreeBSD is configured by default to spawn a login: prompt on the screen. You can easily configure it to spawn another one one the serial console, as explained in this chapter on the handbook:

shell# grep ttyu0 /etc/ttys
ttyu0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" dialup on secure

That's all.